Active Processes Definitions Note: These are applications, DAs, etc. which are currently running on the machine • Process Name : Name of file from which the process came ◊ Serial Number = In hex, used to communicate with other processes ◊ Type = Finder type of file which originated the process ◊ Creator = Finder creator of file which originated the process ◊ Partition Start = Address of process in memory in hex ◊ Partition Length = Length of process in bytes ◊ Partition FreeMem = Free memory available within space allocated to process in bytes. Corresponds to white space in “About this Macintosh next to the program’s name ◊ Path Name = Location of file ◊ Launched By = Who/what launched the process ◊ Attributes : + Can Multi-Launch = Yes/No [System 7] + Can accept Suspend/Resume Events = Yes/No + Can operate in Background = Yes/No + Can operate in Foreground = Yes/No [System 7] + Can perform own Activate tasks = Yes/No + Is notified when Sub-Process ends = Yes/No [System 7] + Can receive Mouse Events in Background = Yes/No [System 7] + Is 32 Bit compatible = Yes/No [System 7] + Is High Level Event aware = Yes/No [System 7] + Can receive High Level Events across a Network = Yes/No [System 7] + Can recognize Stationary Documents = Yes/No [System 7]